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The power of Vitamin A.

Let's cut right to the chase: Vitamin A is widely considered to be the most beloved hero ingredient in all of dermatology. Confused because you perhaps haven't heard of it? Well, you probably have heard of retinol or retinoids, right? They're all one and the same; retinoids are the preformed, or active, form of vitamin A.That being said, the term "retinoid" refers to three different states of vitamin A: retinol, retinal (or retinaldehyde), and retionic acid. Ultimately, they all have the same types of skincare benefits; the difference lies in the conversion process they have to undergo in the skin in order to be effective. 


New to Retinol? 

As a professionally dispensed skincare platform, we offer clinical-grade concentrations of Vitamin A which is ONLY available through trained skincare providers. New patients will be required to do a single sign-up to our prescription portal so that access can be granted to purchase AlumierMD Skincare.


Let's start with an introduction.

Adermatologist-approved Vitamin A (AKA Retinol) product could do wonders for your skin. In fact, clinical trials have repeatedly shown retinol to improve skin cell turnover and minimise the breakdown of collagen (which leads to fine lines). And that’s not all: retinol has also been proven to help with skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, dryness, rough skin texture, blemishes – we could go on forever. In fact, chances are you've already heard of retinol as it’s famed for helping with an unbelievable number of skin issues.

Retinol is often regarded by dermatologists and skincare experts as the "gold standard" treatment for ALL skin types with a wide-ranging benefits. But what does retinol actually do? As derivative of Vitamin A ~ The ingredient is available in a variety of strengths, it's purest form being - Retinoic Acid. Retinol works by promoting cellular renewal and enhancing collagen & elastin production within the upper layers of the skin. It ALSO acts as a catalyst, speeding up the rate at which the keratinocytes turn over and the skin regenerates. Because of this, Retinol is ideal for improving your skin's overall texture, minimising fine lines and wrinkles, evening out skin tone, and even decreasing pore size.

Because retinol stimulates the major constituents of the skin, the mode of action can not only support but help treat a variety of skin conditions.
What most people don't know, is the amount of benefits it truly has on your skin...

    Benefits of Vitamin A for Skin.  

It's an impressive list, for sure! Vitamin A as a skincare ingredient has been more extensively studied than any other ingredient on the market today. Retinoids were fist used in dermatology in 1943. Point being, this is one tried-and-true ingredient with a long list of proven benefits and is effective both as a preventative and anti-aging option. More of its benefits include:
Boosts skin cell turnover: Vitamin A promotes the shedding of old skin cells and stimulates the regeneration of newer, healthier, and smoother cells. Essentially, it's acting as an exfoliant, improving both the tone (it's great for combating hyperpigmentation) and texture of the surface of the skin.
Stimulates collagen production
: Along with working on the epidermis (aka the top layer of the skin), vitamin A is unique in that it also works in the dermis, the deeper layer, where it stimulates the production of collagen. Not only does this help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, it also improves and thickens the skin. As if that weren't enough, it simultaneously minimizes the destruction of existing collagen and elastin, she adds, giving you even more bang for your buck.
Is an effective acne treatment: There's good reason(s) why prescription-strength vitamin A (or retinoic acid) was first FDA-approved as an acne treatment: It helps normalize oil production and its exfoliating properties help prevent clogged pores, points out Chen (as well as helps minimize the look of post-blemish discoloration if pimples do pop up). Gmyrek adds that it also has an anti-inflammatory effect that eliminates redness.

    How to use Retinol. (Safely)

First rule of Vitamin A ~ Use it only at night. Retinol should be a part to play in everyone's routine, but the key is to start slow and go low to build up your tolerance. This is a marathon, not a sprint, more vitamin A isn't better, and it will increase your chances of irritation, causing you to stop using it. Depending on your skin type you will start on either 0.25% / 0.5% and use every other day for the first week until a tolerance can be built. 

Start by using it every third night for a week or two, then increasing to every other night, and finally to nightly use. You only need a tiny amount (about a pea-size) for your entire face. Apply it onto clean skin, and make sure that you're using gentle and mild products in the rest of your routine so as to not overwhelm your skin, at least until your skin is used to the vitamin A.

Use the following plan to get you started:
WEEK 1 | Every 3 Days
WEEK 2 | Every other day
WEEK 3 | Every day

The TRUTH about Retinol.


The DELIVERY of Retinol.

The delivery of an ingredient is almost important as the molecule itself. The vast majority of medical grade 'actives' are renown to be molecular unstable, and/or potent enough to have an adverse effect when administered directly on to the skin.

By protecting the active ingredients through encapsulation, you can allow preservation of the molecule while allowing for controlled delivery into the deeper layers of the skin. You need Retinol products formulated with advanced delivery systems to promote time-released administration of the ingredient over a longer period. For patients ~ That means no irritation with maximum results.  


So what if you discovered a retinoid range that combines pure, medical grade retinol, with cutting edge delivery technology that releases the ingredients over a consistent 8hr period.
Imagine how effective they'd be if they were ALSO formulated with hydrating, soothing and exfoliating properties too.
Now think about where your skin could be if you used that retinol range every night.