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Skin Conditions Explained



A quick introduction...

Rosacea is a commonly occurring skin condition characterised by chronic redness and sensitivity of the skin. It has a tendency to affect fair-skinned people more often than those with darker complexions.

People who have rosacea can display symptoms as early as in their 20s, although it most often appears at an older age, between 30 and 60 years of age. There are several forms of rosacea, with each varying widely in symptoms and demographic. Although rosacea can become painful and itchy, and some people may experience a burning sensation across the affected area, it is usually only a cosmetic skin disorder.

Affecting an estimated 45 million people across the globe, rosacea is an inflammatory skin disorder with no known cure. While signs can begin to appear in your early twenties, the majority of those diagnosed with rosacea are middle-aged and older adults with fair, sensitive skin.

While women are more likely than men to have rosacea, men are more likely to have a more severe form of the disorder. Often mistaken as acne, eczema, dry skin, or an allergic reaction, rosacea is recognised by flushed facial skin that ranges from overly sensitive to burning, stinging, raised patches called plaques. With a variety of unique skin types, environmental factors, and several different types and stages of rosacea to take into consideration, personalised help really is the best step to clear up this inflammatory skin condition. 


In the early stages, rosacea-prone skin might flush a little more easily than most. Left untreated, late-stage symptoms of rosacea can result in physical disfigurement and severe emotional distress. Being aware of the stages of rosacea can help catch the condition early, preventing the progression of the disease.

Sub-type 1:  Vascular Rosacea

The typically thought of form of rosacea. Women in their 30s and above are usually the most likely to get this form of the skin condition, just like me. Also known as 'Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea', which we will now refer to as ETR rosacea, is characterised by the following symptoms:
- Prolonged flushing of the face
- Persistent background redness across the center of the face
- Small dilated blood vessels just under the surface of the skin.
These symptoms are a direct consequence of hyperemia, which is an increase in blood flow through capillaries near the surface of the skin. While this form of rosacea is rarely painful, it can cause visible changes to the skin which can cause embarrassment and a loss in confidence.

Sub-type 2:  Pustular Rosacea

So-called due to the red acne-like breakouts on the surface of the skin, usually on the cheeks and nose. Pustular rosacea is also known as 'Acne Rosacea' due to the pustules that appear, some yellow and pus-filled.
It has been thought that demodex mites could be the cause of acne rosacea as it is found that people with the condition have an increased number of them living on their face near sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Antibiotics have been found to be a good treatment for acne rosacea strengthening this theory, but some argue that this is simply due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Sub-type 3:  Rhinophyma Rosacea

Rhinophyma, also known as whiskey nose, is a form of rosacea where the sebaceous glands under the surface of the nose become enlarged, resulting in them forming together and thus making the nose swell. It is thought to be a consequence of a build-up of lymph fluid and not, as was commonly thought, due to excessive drinking. Rhinophyma tends to affect men over the age of 50.
Although rhinophyma is the most difficult of the four rosacea types to treat, much can be done to reduce redness and inflammation to some extent. 

Sub-type 4:  Ocular Rosacea

Ocular rosacea is usually developed alongside another form of rosacea and affects more than half of all rosacea sufferers. It can be categorized by:
- Dry, itchy eyes
- Inflammation around the eyelashes
- Redness in the whites of the eyes
Ocular rosacea symptoms usually improve as the accompanying rosacea condition affecting the skin is addressed, but it can be irritating and uncomfortable in the meantime. It is therefore advised for sufferers of type 4 to keep their eyes hydrated using dry eye drops of some kind.


Although it can sometimes take years for people with rosacea to determine what works best for their sensitive skin, a combination of deliberate self-care and a customized skincare routine for rosacea-prone skin can tame flare-ups and provide much-needed relief. The best approach to rosacea treatment is truly a holistic approach, one that combines the benefits of a rosacea-specific skincare regimen with stress-reducing self-care.

1. Identify Your Unique Flare Triggers

 If you’re just now wondering if you might have rosacea or if your rosacea diagnosis is new to you, the idea of isolating your flare-up triggers is probably a little overwhelming. While it’s important to eliminate as many of the known triggers as you can, know that this is going to take some time. Six months from now, you’re going to have a much better handle on what you can and cannot tolerate. If possible, try keeping a journal to record specific symptoms and the possible corresponding triggers from our above list.

Common Rosacea Triggers

While the cause of rosacea is as unknown as the cure, the triggers are easier to identify. One of the most frustrating aspects of rosacea is the realization that much of what you enjoy in life has to be scaled back or eliminated altogether in order to minimize flare-ups.
Here are some of the most common triggers of rosacea symptoms:
- Sun exposure
- Emotional stress
- Heavy exercise (hot yoga, spin class, etc.)
- Extreme temperatures (hot air, cold weather, humidity)
- Hot baths & showers, hot tubs, and saunas
- Heated blanketsIndoor heating
- Skincare products containing alcohol or acids
- Cosmetics
- Spicy foods / Dairy products / Fermented foods
- Alcoholic beverages / Hot drinks
- Marinated meats
- Foods high in histamines (citrus, nuts, tomatoes, shellfish, etc.)

2. Implement A Friendly Skincare Regimen.

Gentle skincare products are key for those with rosacea. Now is the time to try new products that are mild, non-abrasive, and non-acidic.
Exfoliating products such as scrubs and polishes will cause irritation and are not appropriate for rosacea-prone skin. The key focus of these products is to repair and promote a healthy skin barrier, minimising irritation and redness.
Maintaining this natural barrier is crucial to preventing further moisture loss and improving cell turnover. Dry skin has a slower cell turnover compared to adequately hydrated skin. Gentle exfoliating treatments and proper hydration can help regulate the process. A gentle cleanser will knock out redness quickly. It’s important to wash your face with lukewarm water and blot dry with a soft cloth. The best moisturiser should include calming agents and copper peptides that will reduce inflammation. Calm the skin with skin-soothing ingredients such as hinokitiol, sea whip, and aloe, while helping to prevent flare-ups caused by environmental factors with antioxidants. 

3. Practice Good Sun Protection Habits

According to the National Rosacea Society, exposure to the sun accounts for a whopping 81% of rosacea flare-ups. This may be a difficult revelation for regular sunbathers, but the good news is that the power is in your hands. Fortunately, it is never to late to begin wearing a hat and protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreen protection against UV rays.
Choose mineral-based broad-spectrum sunscreens with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which keep the skin cooler than chemical sunscreen ingredients by reflecting UV rays. Mineral ingredients are generally less irritating than chemicals, which is important for sensitive and redness-prone skin.

4. Enjoy A Monthly Facial

If you ever needed a good excuse to treat yourself to a facial, now you have it. It’s important to find an aesthetician who both knows how to treat rosacea and understands the particular needs of your sensitive skin. The right professional will be able to help you take your healing to the next level and provide you with personalised care. Monthly facials actually reduce rosacea skin’s tendency towards inflammation, making the skin stronger and less reactive. So go ahead and pamper yourself. There have to be perks associated with having rosacea at some point, right?

5. Rest, Relax, Refresh

Second only to sun exposure, emotional stress is high on the list of offending rosacea triggers. The psychological and social impact of rosacea can feel like an enormous burden to bear–all the more reason to make rest and relaxation a vital part of your daily life. Find what brings you joy, peace, and fulfilment and pack as much of it as you can into a healthy lifestyle. Happiness does not end with a rosacea diagnosis. By implementing the above tips and figuring out what works for you (and what doesn’t), before long you’ll be living your best life in spite of rosacea.


Aqua Infusion Mask
Aqua Infusion Mask

Aqua Infusion Mask

Ultimate Boost
Ultimate Boost
Ultimate Boost
Ultimate Boost
Ultimate Boost
Ultimate Boost

Ultimate Boost






Understanding your skin is the first step to a fully developed skincare routine. Thanks to our trained team of clinical experts, we have specifically designed skincare regime guides to cater to your concern. Whether you want to start slow with a 2 step routine, or are wanting immediate results that last - Our tailored treatment plans will help you kick-start your journey to a healthier, less-irritated, and smoother complexion.



SensiCalm Cleanser

SensiCalm is a smooth, hydrating cleanser that delicately removes impurities and excess oil while calming skin. Yucca root extract is a gentle natural cleanser; niacinamide, ceramides, vitamin E and sunflower seed oil moisturise, leaving skin smooth, soft and intensely hydrated. Aloe soothes skin and calms redness.


AHA Renewal Serum

AHA Renewal Serum is a clarifying formula with an alpha hydroxy acid that gently but thoroughly exfoliates, and hydrators to reduce the visible signs of ageing and promote brighter, firmer and more radiant skin.
Lactic acid (8%) removes dead skin layers, speeds cell turnover, reduces the appearance of discolouration and smooths the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.



Calm-R™ is a soothing hydrating serum that targets redness and blemishes while maintaining skin’s delicate moisture balance. Piperonyl glucose and sea whip both relieve redness by different mechanisms to enhance effectiveness. Hinokitiol is a multifaceted active with calming and antioxidant properties. This formula has been improved to benefit even the most sensitive skin types.   



HydraCalm moisturiser is a rich and restorative hydrator packed with natural calming ingredients specifically formulated to soothe redness-prone and sensitive skin. Sea whip, boswellia, aloe and honey soothe skin.
An innovative low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and niacinamide provide intense moisture to all layers of the skin. A copper peptide strengthens and rehabilitates the look of compromised skin. Antioxidants provide protection from free radical damage.


Clear Shield Broad Spectrum

Clear Shield Broad Spectrum SPF 42 is a lightweight, non-comedogenic, quick-drying physical sunscreen that provides powerful broad-spectrum protection against harmful UVA and UVB rays using a combination of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
Niacinamide soothes and relieves redness and sodium hyaluronate hydrates.



SensiCalm Cleanser

SensiCalm is a smooth, hydrating cleanser that delicately removes impurities and excess oil while calming skin. Yucca root extract is a gentle natural cleanser; niacinamide, ceramides, vitamin E and sunflower seed oil moisturise, leaving skin smooth, soft and intensely hydrated. Aloe soothes skin and calms redness.


Ultimate Boost

Ultimate Boost Serum is a lightweight serum that boosts hydration and enhances the skin’s natural hydrolipid barrier with sodium hyaluronate and niacinamide.MATRIXYL Synthe'6 strengthens skin and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Perfect to use as a booster under moisturiser.        



HydraCalm moisturiser is a rich and restorative hydrator packed with natural calming ingredients specifically formulated to soothe redness-prone and sensitive skin. Sea whip, boswellia, aloe and honey soothe skin.
An innovative low molecular weight hyaluronic acid and niacinamide provide intense moisture to all layers of the skin. A copper peptide strengthens and rehabilitates the look of compromised skin. Antioxidants provide protection from free radical damage.

As a professionally dispensed skincare platform, we offer clinical-grade concentrations of Vitamin A which is ONLY available through trained skincare providers. New patients will be required to do a single sign-up to our prescription portal so that access can be granted to purchase AlumierMD Skincare.
